Category: Role of Defense Lawyers

Criminal Procedure: Lesson III

Whether to have this hearing at the District Magistrate level or not is up to the client. As the client you are the one to choose whether you will have this hearing or whether you decide against it. Our job is to provide you counsel; our job is not to make your decisions for you. Call MATTHEW C. PARSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW for your legal needs.


About Us

Matthew C. Parson is an attorney based in Franklin, Pennsylvania. He practices criminal law, family law, civil law, and estate law.

Matthew and his team can help you with divorce and custody problems, even if they are complex and emotionally charged.

Our satisfaction comes from helping those in need of advocacy, information, or advice. We also serve clients in need of criminal defense, civil litigation, and/or probate law and estate settlement.

Call us today – your first consultation is free!


The Role of Criminal Defense Lawyers… and the importance of our safety!

When the opportunity arises, the trial judge may want to educate the public on the important role of defense counsel in a criminal case and inform them that the Sixth Amendment affords the right to counsel to all persons, regardless of the type of crime or the evidence against them. The judge can remind those in the courtroom that defense lawyers are doing their job to uphold the Constitution and fulfill their oath as officers of the court.