Tagged: role of lawyer

Criminal Procedure: Lesson III

Whether to have this hearing at the District Magistrate level or not is up to the client. As the client you are the one to choose whether you will have this hearing or whether you decide against it. Our job is to provide you counsel; our job is not to make your decisions for you. Call MATTHEW C. PARSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW for your legal needs.

Jury Duty

Let’s talk about being on a jury. Jury duty might upset your schedule, but it is not a task to take lightly. Read on for more information!

Estate Planning

Another area of the law that my practice consists of is helping people plan their Estate.
We have loved ones that we need to take care and we especially should think what are wishes should be for our children.

child custody

Venango County, PA Child Custody Procedures

Venango County, PA Child Custody Procedures: I practice family law in several different counties. My home county is Venango County. The City of Franklin is where the courthouse sits and where all of one’s Child Custody hearings will be held. There are three hearings that one may go through when litigating custody in Venango County. Before litigating, you may want to consider taking advantage of my office’s free consultation. In that we can talk about the likelihood of entering into a Consent Order. For more information, call our office at (914) 758-5659